Submit a Proposal

Submit a Research Proposal

Study Proposals

Affiliate members can propose a study to the scientific team, work with the scientific team to access the data warehouse, analyze and interpret findings, and publish your results. You can also contribute de-identified data to the data warehouse. All affiliate members will be listed on our web site, unless anonymity is requested.

To submit a preliminary research proposal, please send a one page summary of your proposal to Karen Monsen.

The summary should include:

  • Title
  • Name of principle investigator
  • Contact information for principle investigator
  • Purpose
  • Specific aims with research questions/hypotheses
  • Proposed data sample
  • Proposed co-investigators

University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board

With your proposal, please submit completed forms for the University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board.

Research involving the collection or study of existing data, documents, records, pathological specimens, or diagnostic specimens qualifies for exemption from IRB review, in Category
4: Existing Data: Records Review, Pathological Specimens. All Category 4 forms are available on-line.