Completed Research

Completed Research

(presented alphabetically by first author)

Areba, E. M., Monsen, K. A., Brandt, J. K., Selabeab, T., Lytton, A., Flaten, C., Radosevich, D. (2011) Assessing risk level of public health nurse caseloads to evaluate workforce issues: Pilot test of a Maternal Risk Index. Paper presented at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, WashingtonD.C.

Chatterjee, S., Monsen, K. A., and Yuan, S. (2012). Small area elicitation of different factors in a health-care intervention study, Technical report # 693, School of Statistics, University of Minnesota.

Cosansu, Cangöl S., Erdogan S. Using the Omaha System in pediatric acute care setting.

East, S., Poulsen, J. K., Monsen, K. A. Omaha System data comparison between two programs: Nurse practitioner services and total care program.

Erdogan, S., Secginli, S., Cosanu, G., Nahcivan, N., Esin, N., Aktas, E., Monsen, K. A. (2013). Using the Omaha System to describe health problems, interventions, and outcomes in home care in Istanbul, Turkey: A student informatics research experience. CIN, 31, 290-298. doi: 10.1097/NXN.0b013e318282eala

Farri, O., Monsen, K. A., Westra, B. L., & Melton, G. (2011). Analysis of free text with Omaha System targets in community-based care to inform practice and terminology development. Applied Clinical Informatics, 2(3), 304-316. doi:

Flaten, C., Monsen, K. A., Radosevich, D. M., Kerr, M. J. Farri, F. Validation of MCH Risk Index. Poster presented at the Omaha System International Conference, Eagan, MN.

Fratzke, J., Melton-Meaux, G., & Monsen, K. A. (2013). Use of an observational tool and the Omaha Sytem to capture acute care nursing intervention and time study data.

Garcia, C., McNaughton, D., Radosevich, D.M., Brandt, J.K., Monsen, K.A. (2013). Family home visiting outcomes for Latina mothers with and without mental health problems. Public Health Nursing. Article first published online: 28 JUN 2013. doi: 10.1111/phn.12054

Hong, O.S., Monsen, K.A., Kerr, M.J., Chin, D.L., Lytton, A.B., Martin, K.S.. (2012) Firefighter hearing health: An informatics approach to screening, measurement, and research. International Journal of Audiology, 51,765-70.

Johnson, K., McMorris, B., Raynor, L., & Monsen, K. A.  (2013). What big size you have! Using effect sizes to determine the impact of public health nursing interventions. Applied Clinical Informatics, 4, 3, 434-444.

Jurkovich, M. Ophaug, M. L. Salberg, S. A., & Monsen, K. A. (in review). Evaluation of the Omaha System for Dentistry.

Kim, E., Monsen, K. A., Pieczkiewicz, D. S. (2013). Visualization of Omaha System data enables data-driven analysis of outcomes. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Medical Informatics Association, Washington D. C.

Kvarme, L. G., Monsen, K. A., Eboh, W. O. (2013). Evidence-based solution-focused care for school-age children experiencing cyberbullying: Using the Omaha System to guide and document psychiatric nursing interventions. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services.

Melton, G. B., Westra, B. L., Raman, N., Monsen, K. A., Kerr, M. J., Hart, C. H. Solomon, D. A., & Timm, J. E. (2010). Informing standard development and understanding user needs with Omaha System signs and symptoms text entries in community-based care settings. American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2010, 512-516. pmcid: PMC3041407

Monsen, K. A., Areba, E. M., Johnson, K. E., Dubbels, K., Timm, J. E., & Rosebaugh, D. Evaluation of one and two-time home visits as a core function of public health. Presented to the Minnesota Omaha System Users Group meeting, March 2012.

Monsen, K. A., Areba, E. M., Radosevich, D. M., Brandt, J. K., Lytton, A. B., Kerr, M. J., Johnson, K. E.,  Farri, O, & Martin, K. S. (2012). Evaluating effects of public health nurse home visiting on health literacy for immigrants and refugees using standardized nursing terminology data. Proceedings of NI2012: 11th International Congress on Nursing Informatics, 614.

Monsen, K. A., Banerjee, A., & Das, P. (2010). Discovering client and intervention patterns in home visiting data. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 32(8), 1031-1054. doi:10.1177/0193945910370970

Monsen, K. A., Chatterjee, S., Timm, J. E., & McNaughton, D. B. (in review). Nurse, client, and intervention factors associated with variation in knowledge benchmark attainment.

Monsen, K. A., de la Luz Bonilla Luis, M., Pérez Garcés, A. M. del Rosario Gargantúa Aguila, S., Hayward, K. L., Swartz, K., Darst, E., & Krichbaum, K. E. (2012). Development and pilot test of a standardized diabetes interview data collection tool in Spanish and English. Proceedings of NI2012: 11th International Congress on Nursing Informatics, 613.

Monsen, K. A., Elsbernd, S.A., Barnhart, L., Stock, J., Prock, C., Looman, W.S., & Nardella, M. (2013). A state-wide children with special health care needs program evaluation using a standardized terminology. ISRN, 2013, Article ID 793936, 7 pages.

Monsen, K. A., Finn, R. S., Fleming, T. E., LaValla, A. J., Garner, E. E., Riemer, J. G. (in review).  Evaluation of Lookups for SNOMED CT Code Assignment.

Monsen, K. A., Fitzsimmons, L. L., Lescenski, B. A., Lytton, A. B. Schwichtenberg, L. D., &  Martin, K. S. (2006). A public health nursing informatics data-and-practice quality project. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 24(3), 152-158.

Monsen, K. A., Foster, D. J., Gomez, T., Poulsen, J. K., Mast, J., Westra, B. L., & Fishman, E. (2011). Evidence-based standardized care plans for use internationally to improve home care practice and population health. Applied Clinical Informatics, 2, 373-384. doi:10.4338/ACI-2011-03-RA-0023

Monsen, K. A., Fulkerson, J. A., Lytton, A. B., Taft, L. L., Schwichtenberg, L. D., & Martin, K. S. (2010). Comparing maternal child health problems and outcomes across public health nursing agencies. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 14(3), 412-421. doi:10.1007/s10995-009-0479-9

Monsen, K. A., Holland, D. E., Fung-Houger, P. W., Vanderboom, C. E. (in review). Seeing the whole person.

Monsen, K. A., Honey, M., & Wilson, S. (2010). Meaningful use of a standardized terminology to support the electronic health record in New Zealand. Applied Clinical Informatics, 1(4), 368-376. doi:10.4338/ACI-2010-06-CR-0035

Monsen, K. A., Lytton, A. B., Ferrari, S., Halder, K., Radosevich, D. M, Kerr, M. J., Mitchell, S., & Brandt, J. K. (2011). Evaluating reliability of assessments in nursing documentation. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 15(3). Available at

Monsen, K. A., McNaughton, D. B., Savik, K., & Farri, O. (2011). Problem stabilization: A metric for problem improvement in home visiting clients. Applied Clinical Informatics, 2, 437-446.

Monsen, K. A., Melton, G. B., Timm, J. E., Westra, B. L., Kerr, M. J., Raman, N., Farri, O., Hart, C. H., & Martin, K. S. (2011). An empiric analysis of Omaha System targets. Applied Clinical Informatics, 2(3), 317-330.

Monsen, K. A., Neely, C., Oftedahl, G., Kerr, M.J., Pietruszewski, P., & Farri, O. (2012). Feasibility of encoding the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement Depression Guideline using the Omaha System. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 45, 719-725. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2012.06.004

Monsen, K. A., & Newsom, E. T. (2011). Feasibility of using the Omaha System to represent nursing management interventions. Public Health Nursing, 28(5), 421-428. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1446.2010.00926.x

Monsen, K. A., Radosevich, D. M., Kerr, M. J., & Fulkerson, J. A. (2011). Public health nurses tailor home visiting interventions. Public Health Nursing, 28(2), 119-128. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1446.2010.00911.x

Monsen, K. A., Radosevich, D. M., Johnson, S. C., Farri, O., Kerr, M. J. and Geppert, J. S. (2012), Benchmark attainment by maternal and child health clients across public health nursing agencies. Public Health Nursing, 29: 11–18. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1446.2011.00967.x

Monsen, K. A., Sanders, A. N., Yu, F., Radosevich, D. M, & Geppert, J. S. (2011). Family home visiting outcomes for mothers with and without intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Research, 55(5), 484-499. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2788.2011.01402.x

Monsen, K. A., Swanberg, H. L.,  Oancea, S. C., & Westra, B. L. (2012). Exploring the value of clinical data standards to predict hospitalization of home care patients. Applied Clinical Informatics.4,410-436.

Monsen, K. A., Westra, B. L., Oancea, S. C., Yu, F., & Kerr, M. J. (2011). Linking home care interventions and hospitalization outcomes for frail and non-frail elderly patients. Research in Nursing and Health, 34(2), 160-168. doi:10.1002/nur.20426. NIHMS274649

Monsen, K. A., Westra, B. L., Yu, F., Ramadoss, V. K., & Kerr, M. J. (2009). Data management for intervention effectiveness research: Comparing deductive and inductive approaches. Research in Nursing and Health, 32(6), 647-656. doi:10.1002/nur.20354

Monsen, K.A., Westra, B.L., Paitich, N., Ekstrom, D., Mehle, S.C., Kaeding, M., Abdo, S., Natarajan, G., & Ruddarraju, U. (2012). Developing a shared personal health record for elders and providers: Technology and content. Journal of Gerontological Nursing,38(7), 21-5.

Pruinelli, L., Fu, H., Monsen, K. A., & Westra, B. L. (accepted). Comparison of consumer derived evidence with an Omaha System evidence-based practice guideline for community dwelling older adults. NI2014.

Savik, K., Oancea, C., Choromanski, L., Holmes, J. H., & Bliss D. (2011). Predicting improvement in urinary and bowel incontinence for home health patients using electronic health record data. Journal of Wounds, Ostomy, & Continence Nursing, 38(1), 77-87.

Schmidt-Hegge, T., Ophaug, M., Nguyen, H., Malik, M., Musimami, P., Chen, Y., Collins, B., Westra, B. L., & Monsen, K. A. (2012). Toward a uniform nursing terminology: Mapping ICNP and the Omaha System. Proceedings of NI2012: 11th International Congress on Nursing Informatics.

Secginli, S., Erdrogan, S., & Monsen, K. A. (2014). Attitudes of health professionals towards electronic health records in primary health care settings: a questionnaire survey. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 39, 1, 15-32. doi:10.3109/17538157.2013.834342

Secginli S., Kayaoglu S., Erdogan S. Using the Omaha System in management of tuberculosis treatment with directly observed therapy.

Simon, G., Pfeiffer, J., Fitzsimmons, L., Monsen, K.A. (2013). Relationships between signs/symptoms and oral health interventions in PHN clients. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Research Methods for Standardized Terminologies, North St. Paul, MN.

Thompson, C. W., Monsen, K. A., Wanamaker, K., Augustyniak, A., & Thompson, S. L. (2012). Using the Omaha System as a framework to demonstrate the value of nurse managed wellness center services for vulnerable populations. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 29(1), 1-11.

Westra, B. L., Oancea, C., Savik, K., Marek, & K. D. (2010). The feasibility of integrating the Omaha System data across homecare agencies and vendors. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 28(3), 162-171.

Westra, B. L., Solomon, D., & Ashley, D. M. (2006). Use of the Omaha System data to validate Medicare required outcomes in home care. Journal of Healthcare Information Management, 20(3), 88-94.

Zhang, Y., Monsen, K. A., Adam, T. J., Pieczkiewicz, D. S., Daman, M., & Melton, G. B. (2011). Systematic refinement of a health information technology time and motion workflow instrument for inpatient nursing care using a standardized interface terminology. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2011, 1621-9.